Business Model Canvas App

by HashitoApps



Application Business Model Canvas to create a pdf

Esta App sirve para crear Business Model Canvas y exportarlos a PDF, puedes crear varios y guardarlos localmente en el equipo de manera ilimitada. Hay un Business Model Canvas de ejemplo. Es muy intuitiva y fácil de manejar. Se pueden crear varios Socios clave, Actividades Clave, Propuesta de valor, Relación con cliente, Segmentos de cliente, Recursos clave, Canales de distribución, Estructura de costos y Fuentes de ingreso.This App serves to create Business Model Canvas and export them to PDF, you can create multiple and save them locally on your computer indefinitely. There is a sample Business Model Canvas. It is very intuitive and easy to handle. You can create several key Partners, Key Activities, Value Proposition, Customer Relationship, Customer Segments, Key resources, distribution channels, cost structure and sources of income.

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English, please.

a.l. interpretations

Thank you

A Alwahsh

No english !

Yara fernandes

Overall well designed app but I could not find the language button. I don't speak Spanish :( I'll have to install an other app that is available in a language that I do speak.

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